Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Okay, over a year since my last post. And perhaps it will be over a year to my next post. One never knows with me. Life does get in the way after all. And really, does anyone really care? I still haven't figured out why I am doing this.
Right now I am on Nantucket. That makes me sound all glam and hedge fund-like but we are all really pig-piled into a house that a friend rented and then offered to share with us for a week for a reasonable fee (Note: I find that the best way to sustain friendships with friends who have more than I do is not to always accept gifts of kindness, but to keep things business-like on a certain level. That way they don't think you are a mooch and therefore continue to offer you nice things like a share in a house at a reasonable price and you don't think that you are a mooch and have low self-esteem and begin to resent the fact that they have more than you). Anyway, back to Nantucket. Was there ever a more beautiful island? Oh I can hear the laptop keys tip-tapping away like crazy with suggestions like "Aruba!" "Tahiti!" "Oahu!" and in all honesty I haven't been to any of those places but I still feel like Nantucket is the place. Have you ever been to a place where the cares and woes of the everyday world seem to melt away the minute you arrive? Such is Nantucket for me. The beaches are beautiful and the waters restorative (if, uh, refreshing). Even when I paint landscapes of Nantucket I feel myself relaxing into the memory of the place. And yes, there are a lot of large houses and wealthy people parading around in pastels and pants with whales on them but they are mostly in town or behind the hydrangea bushes of their compounds. Do I wish I had an easy mil or so to buy a house here? Sure. But as long as I can scratch the money together to come for a week a summer I'll be happy.

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