Monday, January 4, 2010

how this will proceed

To anyone who trips across this blog and actually stops to read it this is how it's going to go. I will post enthusiastically - even fanatically (note this is the third post today) - for the first couple of weeks, maybe even a month. Then the posts will get fewer and thinner as I lose interest (in the blog, myself, my life) and want to move on to something else (well, I wouldn't move on from my life but you know what I mean). I know myself and this is how it goes with all my other hobbies, knitting, reading, movie watching. I will do one thing voraciously for a certain period and then move on to the next thing and do it voraciously, etc. etc. back and forth, on and on. Doing something voraciously means that all other interests fall by the wayside, sometimes even necessities like cooking and personal hygiene might take second place to a knitted sock (let me just finish this pattern repeat!), a book (just to the end of the chapter!) or a movie (only another 24 minutes!).

My voracious take on hobbies is really just another outcome of my predilection towards procrastination. Anything (blog!) that can keep me from doing what I should be doing is automatically considered preferable. Don't want to do any of the established hobbies? Look into something new (blog!). I am a woman of many excuses, I mean, interests.


I'm new at this and I pressed publish when I meant to press edit. Expect more of these type of mistakes, posting, rescinding, apologizing.

What I wanted to say is that I hope this blog will have humor, or at least a humorous take on the more serious aspects of life. After all, if we can't laugh what do we have left? Tears and anger and they don't accomplish anything. I can see that I failed miserably on the humor part in the first post, mainly because I published it before I meant to. It's early yet.

I can't believe I'm doing this

Okay, first blog, first blogging post.
I've always sworn I would never blog. I simply couldn't understand why people would want to get on the internet and post all their opinions, innermost thoughts and personal problems and even less why other people would want to read them. But now in the winter of my discontent I can understand the need to claw at the (internet) air when you really don't want to bend the ear of family and friends. No one will probably read this, I don't foresee having any followers, I don't have a theme by which to draw people in. This is just really going to be about the day-to-day and all the stuff that roils beneath the surface of a seemingly placid suburban life.